5 Feng Shui tips you can do today for good house feng shui
Today, SPEEDHOME examines how you can use feng shui as a tool to bring good fortune and a positive disposition towards your property.

# Tip 1: Make sure your home’s entryway is entrancing
The entrance to your home, a vital area in feng shui, is considered the gateway for opportunities and positive energy. By creating a warm and inviting entryway, you can enhance the overall energy flow of your home. Placing “happy greeters” like a fresh doormat and colorful potted plants can welcome positive chi and create a welcoming atmosphere for your guests.
#Tip 2: Arrange furniture pieces in an empowered position
Did you know that people who typically have their back against a wall typically feel more empowered? This comes from a biological response of needing to know what’s going on in the room. Positioning your furniture so you will be able to view the entire room provides a strong psychological assurance and is therefore good feng shui.
#Tip 3: Remove unfriendly furniture or sharp looking surfaces
Things that you may bump your head on, stub your toe or hurt yourself on are typically indicators of bad feng shui. They provide a gnawing psychological feeling that your household is not a safe place to be. As an alternative, replace sharp-edged furniture with those with rounded edges and remove from sight items which resemble weapons.
#Tip 4: Bring in nature
A friendly-looking potted plant can be a simple yet effective way to enhance the feng shui of your home. By incorporating natural elements, you can revitalize the energy of any space and create a harmonious environment. Allow the life force of nature to nourish your spirit and promote a sense of wholeness.
#Tip 5: Clutter clear
This final feng shui tip, often overlooked, is crucial for maintaining a harmonious living space. Clutter can drain energy and create a sense of chaos, negatively impacting your overall well-being. By decluttering your home, you’re not only improving its appearance but also creating a more balanced and positive environment. Remember, your home is a reflection of your life, so decluttering can lead to a more organized and fulfilling existence.