Calculate your Rental Agreement Stamping Fee here
Importance of Tenancy Agreement & Stamping
Want to calculate your rental agreement stamping fee? A tenancy agreement is a printed document that states all the terms and conditions that the tenants and landlords have agreed upon before the tenant moves in.
It is very crucial for property to lease in order to protect the landlords and tenants. For example, by clearly having a tenant responsibilities list that states all payable charges, such as water, electricity and sewerage charges the tenant needs to pay, the landlord is then lifted from bearing any legal responsibility regarding these charges.
To legitimize a tenancy agreement, it is important to note that both landlords and tenants must sign it. After which, the tenancy agreement is required to be stamped by LHDN for it to be legal in court. A tenancy agreement stamp duty, which is a form of taxes placed by the government on legal documents will have to be paid to finalize a tenancy agreement before a rental can happen.
Normally, there are two copies of the tenancy agreement, one copy for the landlord and another one for the tenant. Both of the copies have to be stamped by LHDN before the process of moving into a new property occurs. The Malaysia Inland Revenue Authority, also known as “Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri Malaysia”, LHDN Malaysia is where you pay your stamp duty and may get stamping on your tenancy agreements done here we have included the LHDN stamping fee calculator.
Rental fees, stamp duty and tenancy agreements can be confusing to anyone moving in or leasing a property. To make things easier, let us calculate your stamp duty for you with our tenancy agreement stamp duty calculator. Fill in your monthly rental and lease period of the property in the calculator below to know how much you would need to pay for the stamping of the tenancy agreement.
Understand the formula on how Stamping Fee is calculated for a rental within Malaysia by reading our article here. You can also find a rental agreement stamping fee calculator below where we calculate for you! With the calculator, calculating tenancy agreement stamp duty is pretty easy.
To calculate how much you need to pay for stamping your tenancy agreement, fill in your monthly rental and lease period in the calculator below.
How the Stamping Fee is Calculated
Don’t worry, calculating tenancy agreement stamp duty is pretty easy. You can find out the formula in our article here. If you’re not u for the hassle of calculating the stamping fee, you can sign the tenancy agreement online via Speedmanage, a web solution by SPEEDHOME.
Apart from that, if you want to know how much rent you can afford based on your income, you can go to our Rent Affordability Calculator. Save yourself from the mistake of overspending on rent that you can’t afford.
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Hi would like to know if i only rent a room Rm1100 monthly, the landlord charge me tenancy agreement fees rm354.00, the unit got 4 rooms, its charge all individually i think. so am i need to pay that much?
Hi mdm chen,
It is possible to be this amount considering it is RM1100 monthly. The agreement + stamp duty charges is around RM319 in total, adding up other payable fees like SST, legal fees and if you need extra copies which is around RM10 per copy. If you would like to know how this figure came up, you can read more about it here:
your 1 room rental is so expensive. Mind to share where do u rent a room? Center of KL?
my unit in Bukit Jalil (new high end condo) just Rm1600-1700.
We rent 4 bed unit. Landlord says we have to pay 1000rm stamping fee. This is not correct according to your calculator. How can we appeal this?
Stamping fee for residential rental takes two factors into consideration. First is duration of agreement second is annual rent in excess of RM2,400. Your stamping fee will be RM1000 if you renting for 2 years at the rate of RM10k/mo. recommend using SPEEDHOME for your next tenancy. Our tenancy agreement and stamping fee is at a flat rate of RM399/yearly. Payments breakdown are made transparent too. Good luck!
can owner directly go to LHDN to get the tenancy agreement stamped without dealing with REN?
Yes you may. It’s just usually there is a long queue in the LHDN office and people would choose to let others handle for them. In SPEEDHOME, we do the stamping for you! Landlord only has to pay RM10 stamping fee.
I rent a house RM 1800
How much tenancy agreement and stamp duty?
Hello, thank you for reaching out to us, SPEEDHOME’s Digital Tenancy Agreement fee is RM399 + 6% SST (RM23.94) this will include the stamp duty. So if you rented a house of RM1800, as a tenant you will pay RM422.94.
what document needs to bring then for stamping duty for the tenancy agreement?
Hi there. You’re required to fill in your tenancy information through STAMPS and submit your application online. Then only go to the nearest LHDN office with your application number and original tenancy agreement for review and stamp duty payment. If you rent through SPEEDHOME, we’ll take care of all this process for you.
I rent a house RM 1200
How much tenancy agreement and stamp duty?
Hello. Thank you for reaching out to us. SPEEDHOME’s Digital Tenancy Agreement fee is RM399 + 6% SST (RM23.94) this will include the stamp duty. So if you rented a house of RM1200, as a tenant you will pay RM422.94.
I rented a shoplot one month RM10,000 for 2 years.
How much the stamping fees must to pay ?
Amount pay by cash or banker cheque or other else?
Hi Cheah Leee, you may type in your monthly rental and total rental period in the fields above to get your amount. You may pay the stamping fees with cash
very clear and good article easy to understand. Thank you
Very helpful articel. It useful for me, Thanks !
Rental 3+3+3
Monthly Rental RM12k
How to calculate Tenancy Agreement Fee
Rental 3+3
Rental RM7k 1st & 2nd year
Rental RM8k 3rd year
How to calculate the TA fee – calculation format
Fee is RM696.00 (includ duplicate copy)
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