Rental Relief Guideline
We have received many questions about the loan moratorium and how to deal with tenants seeking help. That is why we at SPEEDHOME have decided to share an easy rental relief guideline:
Everywhere we go we hear only one word – COVID-19! It is not a secret that it has impacted all of us. You, friends, family, and colleagues. Do you know who else this situation may be very difficult for? Your tenants!
Opt-in / Opt-out from automatic loan moratorium
- Your income is severely impacted, or you wish to save some extra cash during this period
- You have better investment choices to beat the bank interest.
You don’t have to do anything! The bank will act on your behalf.
- Your income is intact or you have sufficient savings.
You’ll need to inform your respective bank if you wish to opt out.
You wish to temporarily defer your loan for 2-3 months to increase your buffer to weather through this period if MCO is extended.
Think it over first whether you have a sufficient buffer. You can inform your bank if you wish to opt out thereafter.
What can you do when tenants request relief and what can you do to help?
COVID-19 affects many industries all over the world. Specialists say that the professions most affected are travel agents, small business owners, food operators, sales personnel that rely on commission, and other blue-collar workers like fishermen. It would help to know what your tenant does!
Based on your property rental rate, you may temporarily grant relief at your discretion for the following conditions
- The tenant has a good rental payment history (MOST IMPORTANT)
- The tenant has a good justification that income is impacted during this period
- Tenant work security is at risk, especially for those working in SMEs
If your tenant fits these criteria, give us a call at 018 777 7650, or write to us at [email protected]. On the tenants’ behalf, we truly appreciate your generosity.
This is based on what we have seen so far and this has served as a guideline for landlords who want to see the market reaction currently.
This is not a mandatory action that you have to take. Help where you can and make your judgment call on the amount of relief you may provide if your tenant’s occupation is severely impacted by this pandemic.
Last but not least, if you have the financial capability, it is time for us to help others when they need it. However, if you are running tight, don’t feel bad that you couldn’t help out because we are all affected and in this together.
All of us are greatly impacted by this pandemic, hence any kind of favor goes a long way. Let us be strong, we can go through this together. #stayathome #togetherletsheal #kitajagakita #dudukrumahdiamdiam